The Monkey Bomb is the third Wonder Weapon that debuted in Der Riese and then appeared in Kino der Toten, Five, and Shangri-La and in the Call of Duty: Black Ops remakes of Zombie Verrückt and Shi No Numa. It electrocutes and weakens players if fired too close to them, thus taking less hits from a Zombie to be killed. When Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ it can shock up to 24 zombies at a time with red lightning rather than blue.
It also has one of the slowest reload times of any weapon in both games. It was created by Edwared Richtofen, and it fires blue lightning bolts from a three-round magazine, capable of killing up to 10 zombies at a time, and has infinite damage. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 is the second Wonder Weapon that debuted in Shi No Numa and then appeared in Der Riese, alongside the Call of Duty: Black Ops remakes, and as an Easter Egg in Call of the Dead. In the Call of Duty: Black Ops version, the reticle is different colors such as red, green, blue, purple, yellow and orange. When Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the Porter's X2 Ray Gun the splash damage is reduced, the magazine is increased to 40 rounds, along with the standard damage, capacity and rate of fire boost.
It is a pistol-like weapon created by Group 935 in which has a magazine size of 20 rounds of a plasma ray, with a relatively fast reloading time. The Ray Gun is the first Wonder Weapon that debuted in Nacht der Untoten and then appeared in all of the following maps.